Application Checking Service

Why Choose Our Application Checking Service for Your Immigration Application?

Are you navigating the complexities of an immigration application but hesitant about the associated costs? IHRC Legal understands the challenges many individuals face in accessing professional legal assistance. That’s why we offer a comprehensive Application Checking Service tailored to your needs.

How it Works:

  1. A quick chat with a lawyer:

You may wish to speak to us to discuss whether your application is suitable for the checking service. This is because, it’s generally not advisable for complex cases. However, if you are confident and wish to prepare your own application, you can certainly do so.

If you are not sure if you qualify under the Immigration Rules, you may want to book a consultation first.

  1. Application Preparation:

You handle the preparation of your immigration application, gathering necessary documents and completing the required forms.

  1. Review by Experienced Solicitors:

Submit a copy of your application form and supporting documents to IHRC Legal for meticulous examination by experienced immigration solicitors. We ensure accuracy, completeness, and compliance with immigration regulations.

We will offer a call and/or email to give comprehensive feedback on your application, including any areas of correction or improvement.

What the service does NOT include

  • Liaising with third parties, such as the Home Office or Tribunal.
  • Completing or submitting the application forms, organising or submitting supporting documents, and drafting documents, including a cover letter.


  1. Cost-Effective:

Our document checking service is a good option for those who cannot afford the cost of full legal representation or wish to prepare their own application, as it provides professional oversight at a fraction of the costs.

  1. Peace of Mind:

You can benefit from the expertise of experienced immigration solicitors who will scrutinise your application thoroughly, alleviating stress and uncertainty associated with the immigration application process.

  1. Increased Success Rate:

By minimising errors or omissions, we enhance your application’s chances of approval, reducing the risk of rejection or delays.


IHRC Legal’s application checking service provides a cost-effective solution for individuals seeking professional oversight and guidance for their immigration applications.

Book a consultation