Pro Bono

helping you and your loved ones

Free Legal Support

Currently, IHRC Legal will be able to offer, subject to capacity, free legal support to individuals who have no income or are on low income, and they
  1. Do not have leave to remain in the UK, but have reasonable prospects of succeeding with an application to the Home Office (see our pro bono policy document below for more information); or
  2. Have leave to remain but are subject to a condition preventing them from accessing public funds.
Our pro bono services are funded by IHRC Trust, a registered charity (no.1106120), to support individuals on low income struggling with immigration problems.
The aim of the our pro bono project is to help individuals on low income submit meritorious applications to the Home Office so that they can regularise their stay in the UK, work, access public services (education, healthcare etc) and claim public funds. Those already with leave can apply to remove restrictions on their status (“no public funds”) so that they can supplement their income with benefits. This being particularly pertinent during the cost of living crisis.
For detailed information on how the Pro Bono project operates, please refer to our policy document here.

Support The Legal Fund

If you wish to donate to the Legal Fund please click on the link below.

plan of action

know your rights

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Request Support

If you wish to be considered for legal help

Refer A case

If you want to refer a case for consideration

Support our fund

Make a donation to our legal fund

we are part of the family. all the way through.

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